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London Metal Exchange Prices by MetalsMarket.Net... is a state-of-the-art web (browser) based streaming real-time / delayed information service, especially developed for displaying London Metal Exchange metal prices. offers you the access to London Metal Exchange quotes with the most competitive price, yet with the complete data content.

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The London Metal Exchange (LME) is the world's premier non-ferrous metals market with highly liquid contracts and a worldwide reputation. With Metalsmarket.Net's fast and accurate financial information technology, market professionals can follow LME prices real-time and streaming or in a 30 minute delayed option. Metalsmarket.Net service is provided by Foreks Information Services, the leading financial information provider in Turkey, for over 15 years of experience. MetalsMarket.Net offers clients an unique Online Support Facility 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week via Online Chat ...

That is how the world's metal professionals can reach us ONLINE ...

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